Solid Square

School Leaders Newsletter

january 8, 2024

Solid Square

Dear School Leaders,

Upon our return from winter break last week, the students and staff of T.M. Peirce School began the semester in their brand new, state-of-the-art building – the first new school built in North Philadelphia in 50 years. The 77,000 square-foot elementary school replaces a building constructed in 1909, and has the capacity to serve 500 students in pre-kindergarten through sixth grade. The facility is LEED Gold Certified, rated highly by the U.S. Green Building Council as a healthy, highly-efficient and cost-saving building. It features twenty traditional classrooms, two elective classrooms, a gymnatorium, a cafeteria, digital lab, makerspace and integrated media center (IMC).

The time I spent with the Peirce students and staff last week reaffirmed our steadfast commitment to providing excellent learning environments for all Philadelphia students. Modernized learning environments support academic achievement, and so we have built that priority into Accelerate Philly and aligned it with the Board’s Goals and Guardrails. Our commitment is bolstered by Mayor Cherelle Parker’s 100 Day strategy to establish a working group on school building modernization which will prepare an intergovernmental and cross-sector financing and implementation strategy in support of a District plan.

Peirce is only the latest of various new buildings or major renovations to come. In this calendar year, we expect to open a new building for Cassidy Elementary, as well as complete major renovations at eight additional schools. And hopefully with the support of the City, and fair funding from the state, we will be able to consider additional new builds or renovations in the years to come.

Finally, as we begin the new year, I want to thank all of you for your hard and strategic work. I also want to thank Deputy Superintendent Dawson and our associate and assistant superintendents for hosting last week’s small group meetings where we discussed the development of annual district SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-oriented, and Time-bound) targets that align to Accelerate Philly and our Goals and Guardrails. Stay tuned for more information about this as well as our Annual State of Our Schools event which is scheduled for January 30, 2024.

In Partnership,

Tony B. Watlington Sr., Ed.D.


Mark Your Calendar

Spring Calendar Icon

Items Due

Professional Development Assessments

Summer Program

Important Dates

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Payroll Approval

Evacuation Drill Completed

Lindback Award for Distinguished Principals Applications are Due.

For more information click here.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Day of Service; Schools and Administrative Offices are Closed

Kindergarten Registration Opens

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Monthly Observances and Celebrations

Three Kings Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day



School Leader Newsletter Archive: 2023-24 | 2022-23

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Biology Benchmark II Testing Window

The Biology Benchmark II testing window will take place January 16, 2024 - February 9, 2024, per the Assessment Calendar. The test is required for students enrolled in a Biology course (excluding AP Biology). The test will be in SchoolNet, and the administration procedures are the same as in the Benchmark I testing window. A Spanish version will be available.

ACTION: Please review this memo that Designated Biology Test Coordinators will receive with more detailed information and instructions.

Contact: assessment@philasd

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)

This winter, 86 SDP schools will be participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Each of the participating schools will have one day of NAEP testing between January 29, 2024 - March 7, 2024. The 86 schools that have been selected to participate in the administration of NAEP have already been notified.

Testing information for those schools is linked HERE. This week, a letter about what to expect will be shared directly with families in grades 4, 8, and 12 at the participating schools. This week, a letter about what to expect will be shared directly with families in grades 4, 8, and 12 at the participating schools. The family letter can be found HERE.

ACTION: For participating schools, please share the What Every Parent Should Know About NAEP Document with your students and families.


Civics Test Window

The main Civics Test window will take place January 16, 2024 - February 23, 2024, per the Assessment Calendar. Note that additional windows are offered for schools with non-traditional course schedules, but the majority of students should test within this window. As with last year, the test will be administered online via SchoolNet to students through their Social Science, Civics, or AP US Government classes.

ACTION: Please review this letter that Designated Civics Test Coordinators received with detailed information and instructions.


Attention: HIGH SCHOOL Principals

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School Community Literacy Resources Available!

By actively engaging families and community members in the exploration of structured literacy, we can enhance our collective understanding of effective reading strategies and cultivate a supportive environment beyond the classroom. By building a strong partnership between school and home, we can amplify the impact on student literacy outcomes.

ACTION: Email to obtain resources such as presentation materials, hand outs, sign in sheets, and more to present an outstanding, informative parent presentation on literacy to your school community.

Contact: ELA Team,

Math Leader Updates

Thank you all for helping to make our District Math PD on 1/2/24 happen which is linked HERE in the Post PD Newsletter for the January 2nd session. There you will find key takeaways named and resources shared during the session. We shared this with teachers, but it may help you as you think about future school-based PD days, coaching teachers, or PLCs. This document also lives on the Math Website so you don’t have to bookmark something new. Teachers received access to their UPGs, but we placed the facilitator’s GUIdes (ones you, APs, and SBTLs would want) on the principal page of the math website.


Family Math Communications Toolkit

We're excited to share with you a communications toolkit you can use to share our family math webinar series with your school community. This toolkit provides you with a sample newsletter blurb and social media posts you can simply copy and paste to share important learning opportunities with families and the community you serve. Please help us spread the word so more families can learn how to support their children at home with mathematics!

ACTION: Please review the Family Math Communications Toolkit here.

Contact: Jessica Tilli | Director of Math | | 215.400.6121

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district performance office


QlikBAM: AGI app refreshed with 2022-23 data

The AGI app in the Academics and Climate stream has been refreshed with the SY2022-23 growth data for schools and by grade level, and includes breakouts by student groups. Data is available for both District and Charter schools.

ACTION: View the AGI app here.


QlikBAM: Dropouts Monitoring app refreshed with data through December

Early this week the QlikBAM Dropouts Monitoring app in the Enrollment and Projections stream will be refreshed with data through the end of December. The application provides a monthly and cumulative summary of enrollment records for SY2023-24 that ended in a dropout exit code (WD01 or WD09).

Dropouts Monitoring app: The data in the app will refresh monthly, about the 8th of each month, to reflect student exit records for the whole school year through the end of the prior month. We know that student exit dates and exit codes are applied/updated retroactively; each time the data in the app is refreshed it will capture the data for the current school year, including any changes made since the prior refresh date. Note: Data for prior school years are frozen.


SPREE - 2nd Preview Window is Opening Soon

The second preview window for the SY2022-2023 School Progress Report on Education and Equity (SPREE) is currently expected to open by early next week. School leaders will receive an email with detailed instructions on how to access, review, and provide comments on the data that will be included in their SPREE reports. The SPREE is currently scheduled for public release in Winter 2024.

ACTION: For more information on the SPREE, including metrics and business rules, please visit


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Attention: KINDERGARTEN Principals

Building Bridges PreK and Kindergarten Transition Meeting is February 9, 2024

The annual Building Bridges PreK and Kindergarten Transition Meeting will be held on February 9, 2024, during the District-wide ½-day PD session. On this day, PreK and Kindergarten staff will collaborate to create a Transition Action Plan for the remainder of the school year. All Kindergarten teachers are required to attend. Elementary schools with Kindergarten are required to submit a Transition Action Plan after the event; plans are submitted electronically via Google Form. A printed and signed copy will be collected from each school by the Grants Compliance Monitor. If no PreK sites are in attendance, Kindergarten teachers must complete and submit a Transition Action Plan with a focus on preparing for the Kindergarten Open House and developing relationships with local childcare centers.

ACTION: Ensure that your Kindergarten teachers and school staff are preparing for this year’s Building Bridges meeting on February 9, 2024.

Contact: Shelley Crognale ​| Program Manager: Operations and Grants Development/PreK-3 Alignment | | 215.400.5585

Kindergarten Registration Begins on January 16, 2024

It's almost time to Thrive at Five! Kindergarten Registration begins on January 16, 2024, and will continue through May 31, 2024. Your school will receive Thrive at Five flyers and posters to support the promotion of Kindergarten Registration. The Office of Early Childhood Registration appreciates your continued support of our incoming Kindergarten students and their families.

ACTION: Ensure that your office staff is ready to register families in person for Kindergarten beginning on January 16. When materials arrive, display the Kindergarten Registration posters and flyers.

Contact: Shelley Crognale ​| Program Manager: Operations and Grants Development/PreK-3 Alignment | 215.400.5585

Professional Development Reminder

The Office of Early Childhood Education is offering two Professional Development opportunities for Kindergarten Teachers and those who support Kindergarten Transition in January. “Kindergarten Transition” PD sessions are available on 1/16/24 and 1/22/24. “Building Bridges Train the Trainer” PD sessions are available on 1/24/24 and 1/29/24. All sessions are 4:30- 6:00 pm, via Zoom. Both PDs are highly recommended for all new Kindergarten teachers and those identified as this year’s facilitating Kindergarten Transition teachers. All other Kindergarten teachers are welcome to participate. Participants will receive Act 48 credits and compensation will be provided.

ACTION: Encourage your Kindergarten teachers and other supporting staff to register now in Cornerstone.

Contact: Geoff Thornton | ​Program Manager, Operations and Grants Development/PreK-3 Alignment | | 215.400.5533

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Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year Opens January 16

Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year kicks off on January 16, 2024. Research shows that children who attend kindergarten build confidence, gain strong social-emotional skills, and are more likely to read at grade level by the end of kindergarten – all of which lay a strong foundation for their long-term academic success.

ACTION: We need your support to ensure all families with children who will be five years of age on September 1, 2024 act quickly and register their child for full-day kindergarten. Please review this letter from Superintendent Watlington for information on how you can help.

Contact: Shelley Crognale ​| Program Manager: Operations and Grants Development/PreK-3 Alignment | | 215.400.5585

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evaluation, research, and ASSESSMENT


Philly School Experience Survey: Paper Survey Options for 2023-24

The Office of Research and Evaluation has begun planning for the 2023-24 Philly School Experience Survey!

Default Paper Survey Option for 2023-24: This year, all District and contracted schools participating in the parent/guardian survey will be sent a package of paper surveys to their school. According to current plans, this default package will include:

  • Paper survey copies for ~50% of Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Portuguese-speaking families, and ~25% of all other families (based on current enrollment and home language records in the Student Information System or SIS).
  • Printed letters about the PSES parent/guardian survey for ~100% of families (based on enrollment records in the SIS), which explain how to take the survey online in 12 different languages or how to request a paper copy in English, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, or Portuguese from your school.

Schools will be responsible for distributing the surveys and letters to families (e.g., by making available in the front office, sending home in backpacks, or distributing at events). If the default option described above is sufficient for your school, there is no need to take any action at this point.

ACTION: Action only if needed: If your school has special circumstances where you need extra copies beyond the default option described above, or where you need surveys to be mailed directly to households, please complete this form by January 19, 2023.


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information technology


SIS End of Term Grade Book Office Hours

The posting window will be open from 1/12/24 through 1/26/24 at 5p. The Admin Review window will be from 1/29/24 through 1/30/24. We will be holding optional SIS Gradebook end-of-term officee hours for Principals, APs, and Schedulers.

SIS: Principal/AP/Schedulers Gradebook End-of-Term Office Hours

  • 1/17/24, 10am-11am
  • 1/19/24, 11am-12pm
  • 1/22/24, 12pm-1pm
  • 1/24/24, 10am-11am

  • SIS: Principal/AP/Scheduler Gradebook Admin Office Hours
  • 1/29/24, 10am-11am
  • 1/30/24, 11-12pm

To sign up for a session, please search for each of the above titles in Cornerstone. SIS Coach/Teacher end-of-term offices will also be available and posted in the Teacher Announcements. The Zoom link for these sessions can be found here.

Resources can be found on


Technology Equipment Disposal Reminder

This is a friendly reminder from IT that the deadline for schools to request technology disposal is Wednesday, May 15. Schools are encouraged to complete technology disposals on an as-needed basis.

ACTION: Please review the process document for more information on what is eligible for disposal and how to request a disposal pick-up, here.

Contact: Stephanie Sullivan Brouse | Deputy Chief, Technology Services |

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January 18th Principal PD

Happy New Year Leaders! January 18, 2024 is our first Principal professional development for the new year and will occur at Strawberry Mansion High School. We are excited to announce that this PD will be different, in that all school leaders will be able to choose their development path! Please review the PD catalog for more specific information. The catalog contains the schedule, session offerings, session descriptions and link for the registration form. You will choose 2 sessions for your morning learning.

ACTION: This event is required for all Principals in the District. Use the registration link found here to register for your choice sessions. Please register by 5:00 pm on January 12, 2024. Seating is limited in some choice sessions, so please reserve your spot! Please review the Principal PD Catalog here.

Contact: Shakae Dupre | Executive Director, Leadership Development | | 267.688.0840

Equity PD Pathway, Showcase Event: January 31st (8:30 am - 1:00 pm)

We look forward to seeing you at our next Equity PD Pathway session of the new year scheduled for January 31st from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm at Strawberry Mansion High School. The day will be filled with reflection and collaboration, where school leaders will showcase artifacts and insights related to equity leadership in the School District of Philadelphia. This event will bring all PD pathway groups together, both the think tanks and pathways, and is strongly encouraged! RSVPs are required.

ACTION: Please RSVP using THIS FORM by Wednesday, January 18th and you can review the event flier HERE.

Contact: Katie Pak | Director, Leadership Professional Learning | | 917.667.9620

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school organization


Term 2 Grading Window Opens Friday, January, 12th

The grading window for Term 2 will close on Friday, January 26th at 5:00 pm. Teachers have until that time to make sure they have posted their grades. The window will not reopen for teachers, so if they do not enter by the deadline, it will be the responsibility of the administration to enter missing grades. After the window closes for teachers, you will have one day for administrative review.

ACTION: Please review the Grading Window Open Newsletter here.

Contact: Jeremy Wright | Director, School Organization & Management HS |

Kelly Lannutti | Senior Project Manager |

Erica Durant | Director, School Organization & Management (K-8) |

Lindback Award Nomination Reminder:

Lindback Award Nomination Reminder: Nominations are still open for the prestigious 2023-2024 Lindback Award, recognizing exceptional principals and teachers within our District. Don't miss these key approaching deadlines: Principal Award: Nominations are due Friday, January 12, 2024, at noon. Teacher Award: Applications are due Monday, February 12, 2024, at noon.

ACTION: For more information, please click here.


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Academy of Continued Education Updates

The Academy of Continued Education (ACE) team was honored to join each network session during the November 29th Leadership Convening to share additional information on the ACE program. There were several questions posed by school leaders so we wanted to make sure that you received responses to those questions.

ACTION: Please review this document for responses to your questions, in addition to three updates about the Temporary Illness/Injury Pathway, the Homebound Pathway, and ongoing communications.

Contact: Christine Godfrey | Principal |